Monday, April 8, 2013


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Autumn/Winter 2013 Trends

What an amazing summer! I love the warmer weather and shiver my way through winter but ooooh! what wonderful fashions are coming into the shops. So many different themes there's bound to be a colour and style that you'll enjoy.

A British inspired country / equestrian flavour gives us tweeds, herringbone, tartans / plaids / argyle, and paisley prints. Tailored jackets, waistcoats, knitted vests, pencil skirts, sensible brogues and riding boots (knee-high & ankle). Chunky knits and big collars paired with slim skirts or trousers. 

Think dressing for dinner (Downton Abbey?) in lady-like lace & velvet, sheer blouses with high necklines. It's rich and opulent with brocade and heavy embroidery, lots of detail, sparkles and sequins. You'll see it both in patterns and materials.

Maybe the leather trend can be linked to the British Country feel too ... leather / pleather short jackets abound (fitted, & bomber style) with leather trim / panels on everything. 

Peplums are still popular; they don't suit every figure shape but good design makes all the difference (generally speaking better design costs more). You'll see them being worn with belts this season, they'll add curves to the slim waist by highlighting hips (& tummy).

COLOURS It's fascinating reading the predicted trends then comparing them with what's actually in the shops. Blue - bright cobalts (Winters) and smokey mid-dark blues (Summers & Autumns). Wine - from purples to rich reds with grape, aubergine, plum & burgundy (something for every Colour Season). Emerald green - the exact shade varies so be careful (some are warm & some cool). Rich oranges and gorgeous golds (Autumns & Springs rejoice!) with occasional lemons (suits a few Winters & Summers). Bright Pink - can be a difficult colour to wear - bright & clear versions for Winters (a few Springs), softer greyed/muted ones for Summers. 

Black (of course!), White and lots of outfits combining the two, Ivory, Oatmeal, Gunmetal Grey, and some dark khaki-browns. It's not often that there are Neutrals for every Colour Season, so stock up and make the most of it.

Basing your wardrobe around warm or cool neutrals, then adding in same-base colours is simple and efficient. Everything harmonises! It's only when you mix warm-based & cool-based colours or neutrals that you run into problems.

The new footwear has every type of toe shape; from very rounded to quite pointy. Stiletto heels, stacked, Cuban, wedge and some astonishingly sensible ones!  Handbags are more lady-like satchels, carried by the handle rather than using the shoulder strap. 

Wardrobe Review

Time to get out the warmer clothes; try them on and experiment by putting different things together. Don't always wear this jacket with that skirt, try it with others as well as cardigans. Dive into the back and review the items you don't wear; can they be revived by some clever tailoring? It could be worth raiding an older relative's closet ... well-made suits and coats can be a real find.

Once you know what you have, work out what you need and only then go shopping. Try and buy 1 or 2 really good pieces each season; they'll last for years and you'll never regret buying quality. You'd be amazed to know how old some of my things are!


This quarter's newsletter is a bit later than usual... 

We had my youngest daughter & family stay with us for a month; they're the ones usually in Cambodia. Apart from Skype, we only see them once a year so it's a very special time.

My grandsons are growing up quickly; Malakai is now five and a half, Jakin is two and a half. Kai remember our house and the toys we have, he was pleased to be here. Jakin's English is really coming on (both boys are bilingual), it was lovely to hear their "Hello Nana"s.

I chose to focus on enjoying our time together... which is why this newsletter is rather late. Ah well, you'll get to read it over Easter. 

We'll be enjoying Tauranga's Jazz Festival and helping out at Easter in the Park. Let's hope the weather is kind.

Please take a moment to have a look at my website. There's greater clarity in describing the workshops, a slight price adjustment with new bundling options and, of course, they're available as Gift Vouchers.
Nana M. with grandsons Malakai and Jakin

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