Monday, December 7, 2009

Travelling Light

When you know your best neutrals and most flattering colours, creating a versatile wardrobe is simple. Your neutrals form the core and colours provide the impact (and fun).

Apply the same principles when you're travelling and you'll be carrying a lighter load by taking fewer items yet having more outfits.

Keep to a limited range of colours eg two neutrals and one colour. Accessories such as scarves and jewellery can provide extra colour.

Choose items that don't wrinkle (or hardly) such as knits, especially items which you can layer for maximum versatility and to cope with temperature variations.

Separates offer the most flexibility (refer to the capsule concept in your workshop notes). Consider the types of occasions your trip will cover: Casual, Smart or Dressy? Is it mostly business or a beach holiday? and pack accordingly.

It's practical to have more tops than trousers or skirts (5 to 1 ratio). And it's a good idea to plan your packing in advance; try creating different outfits from multi-purpose, favourite items (the ones you turn to again & again).

Limit shoes to three pairs and ensure at least one pair are really comfortable; you'll probably be walking more than you expect (exploring, shopping, making connections, getting lost, etc).

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