Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wonderful Water

Drinking WATER is one of the best things you can do for your health. Fantastic for glowing skin, marvellous for weight management, and the safest way to prevent/treat hay-fever.

How much? Multiply your weight (in kilograms) by 29.09 and it will give you how many litres per day you need to drink (then divide by 0.250 if you want to know it in cups). Drink more if you're working/exercising hard and sweating.

PLUS when you drink a diuretic (ie you lose more than you take in) such as tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, or alcohol, add a further 1.5 times that again in water.

Too hard? Just try it for a week - you'll be amazed at the difference. (Okay, yes you'll also visit the toilet more but only until your body adjusts and gets over the shock of actually getting the water it so desperately needs.)

Did you know?
  • Women are 50-60% water (the brain is 85%)
  • Most of us are constantly dehydrated

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