Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Must-Have List (and my comments)

According to Nina Garcia (TV's Project Runway & Fashion Editor at Marie Claire magazine)
with my comments in italics, continued from last newsletter

A Great Bag - a sturdy, roomy, yet classically styled leather bag, and a sparkly clutch.
Avoid embellishments, keep it simple and timeless in your favourite neutral.

Cashmere cardigan and turtleneck sweaters - great for layering; warm, soft and lightweight.
Gorgeous but expensive (cheap cashmere-blends shed terribly, lose shape and pill, so save up for a good one) meanwhile opt for good quality merino.

Denim - a great-fitting pair of jeans. One or two pairs of dark-rinse, coot-cut style jeans. Not too low-rise, sit just below the waist. Avoid extreme styles eg bling encrusted, bell bottoms.
May take time to find but you won't regret it.

Lingerie - make sure it fits properly and always have some sexy lingerie.
Yes, make sure it's properly fitted (our size changes as we mature). Also you'll need some different types eg t-shirt bra (smooth under knits), a sports bra (support 'the girls' during exercise), and an adjustable straps version (strapless, halter-enck, racer-back, single strap etc)

Footwear - classic toe (slightly tapered, rounded edges ie not really point or square or round). Slightly tapered heel (not thick, square ones). Smooth leather will age better (not patent or suede for longevity). Well-made ie stitched not glued.
  • high-heeled pumps (we call them court shoes)
  • ballet flats
  • boots: knee high, high heeled (try riding boots for comfortable walking - seriously!)
  • stilettos for special occasions
Again, take time to find footwear that fits properly - you don't want to be in pain or crippled by them. Definitely worth the investment.

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